- GameVasion
- 5. – 8. December 2024, Hannover Germany
- https://www.gamevasion.de
- Mobile World Congress
- 3. – 6. March 2025, Barcelona, Spain
- https://www.mwcbarcelona.com
- TES Affiliate Conference
- 8. – 12. March 2025, Sevilla, Spain
- https://tesaffiliateconferences.com/
- Conversion Conf
- 16. – 17. April 2025, Warszaw, Poland
- https://www.conversion-conf.com
- 29. – 30. May 2025, Limassol, Cyprus
- https://island-conference.com
- Bucharest Summit
- 3. to 5. June 2025, Bukarest, Romania
- https://bucharestsummit.com
- Contra – KI Marketing Conference
- 24. to 25. June 2025, Düsseldorf, Germany
- https://www.die-contra.de/
- Affiliate Expo
- 04. to 05. July 2025, Lake Maggiore, Italy
- https://affiliatexpo.it/
- XBIZ Europe
- September 2025, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- https://www.xbizberlin.com
- TES Affiliate Conference
- 12. – 15. September 2025, Prag, Czech Republic
- https://tesaffiliateconferences.com/
- AW Summit
- 8. – 10. September 2025, Bukarest, Romania
- https://www.awsummit.com
- Lead Generation World
- 17. – 18. September 2025, Cologne, Germany
- https://dmexco.com/
- World Telemedia
- October 2025, Marbella, Spain
- https://www.wtevent.com/
- Venus Berlin
- October 2025, Berlin, Germany
- https://www.venus-berlin.com/
- Affiliate Grand Slam
- November 2025, Malta
- https://affiliategrandslam.com